Do you need help getting your new dental practice established? It’s never too early to start laying a good foundation for your future marketing efforts. Prime Dental Marketing con help you with the critical early stages of setting up your practice and deliver continuing strategies as your practice grows.
Where should you start?
An Overview of What You'll Need
for Your New Practice

3-phase Plan for Start-up Practices
1. Brand Identity
Conceptually, this is the essence and unique persona of your practice. It’s materialized from your practice name, logo, fonts, colors, and style. These items form the center of your future marketing efforts
2. Marketing Assets
Assetsare anything that embodies your brand identity and can be used to promote your practice. These takes many forms from digital to physical. Some examples hereare your website, social media profiles, Facebook pages, Twitter, Google, videos, posters, banners, mailers and more.
3. Marketing Campaigns
this is where we bring your marketing assets to center stage and promote them to the local community. These take the form of Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Campaigns, Raputation Marketing, Pay Per Click Campaigns and more.
How We Help Startup Practices

Brand Identity
Business Name

Marketing Assets
Domain Selection & Registration
Website Hosting & Security
Website Maintenance
Social Media Profile
Creation & Claiming
Art / Graphic Assets
Stationery & Business Cards
Posters & Banners

Marketing Campaigns
Facebook New Patient
Pay Per Click
Reputation Marketing
Content Marketing
Marketing Campaign
Startup Dental Practice Checklist
Don’t forget a critical step for setting your practice up for success. Download our Start-up Dental Practice Checklist. This comprehensive guide wil help you though all the important items you need for laying a solid foundation for marketing your practice.